30 Juin My own potlach japan
My own potlach japan, 2005
Trenscending the perception, Aomori Art Center, Aomori (JP)
Durant l’exposition, onze éléments choisis de l’installation ont été offerts au public (The Babel, The Tricolor, The Green Block, The folding, The Feet Tower, The Fun Fair, The Square Garden, The Aquarium Gallery, The Tilt, The Panchito Palace, The Cimetery). En échange, le nouveau propriétaire s’engageait sous forme d’un contrat à envoyer une image de l’oeuvre installée dans son espace privé.
During the exhibition, eleven elements, chosen from the installation were offerd to the public (The Babel, The Tricolor, The Green Block, The folding, The Feet Tower, The Fun Fair, The Square Garden, The Aquarium Gallery, The Tilt, The Panchito Palace, The Cimetery). In exchange the new owner pledged with a contract to send a picure of the work installed in his private space.